With three villages up and running, we are providing shelter, community, and a base for rebuilding lives.

The biggest need we've seen has been simple housing for the refugees. Millions are struggling to find a place to call their own in a foreign land. Through the Refuge Initiative, we've been able to provide housing for upwards of 600 refugees in three micro-camps.



The Akoyan Project currently houses 100 Yazidi refugees in the picturesque Akoyan Valley. In the future, we plan to double the occupancy of the camp while developing multiple micro-business opportunities.


Rwandz Camp has nearly 300 Yazidis, making it our largest micro-camp. It is contained within a large soccer stadium complex which offers entertainment for the children as well as plenty of space for the adults.


The Kawlokan Village is our most recent micro-camp. We were able to build 28 homes for over 200 Yazidis and Shabaks overlooking the Rwandz River. With easy access to schooling for the children, it remains our model for future work.